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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A teen trying to figure it out

Between the ages of 12-19 girls are known for becoming extremely complex, difficult, and are known to be diagnosed with the “I’m finding myself,” syndrome. Most find it difficult to find a positive role model to follow, one that fits their persona.  In her speech “ A teen trying to figure it out,” Tavi Genson a feminism advocate, talks about the issue of teenage girls trying to find themselves. Gevinson’s speech is inspiring based on her knowledge, her work, and personality.  
Gevinson begins her speech sharing knowledge with the audience, educating them on the problems both women and young girls face. One main point that stood out was women being able to become a female with strong character. Gevinson described such a women as one who is able to recognize her flaws, fixes them, and becomes relatable. Television shows such as Lina Dunahm’s “Girls,” are used to spread this message as well. Gevinson realized at an early age that one group of people who where faced with this similar problem, which was not being addressed, were teenagers. This sparked the beginning of her business.
 What is most significant about Gevinson is her blog website Rookie, which she created for young teenage girls. As a young fifteen-year old- girl, Gevinson saw a need for positive role models in the world and created a platform for girls wanting to build their character and make some sense of who they are. The main message of this website is to encourage young teenage girls to accept who they are and to not allow the opinion of others to define them. Although this is a common message, Gevinson is able to connect with teenage girls much easier not only because she too is a teen, but also through her simplicity, humor, and personality.
Gevinson is also able to connect with the audience through her humor and easygoing personality that contributes to the overall performance of her speech.
            As a young entrepreneur, I too have recognized that young teenage girls find it very difficult to accept who they are and find positive role models. It is then good to see young another young woman such as Gevinson, promoting positivity for young girls. 

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