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Friday, November 2, 2012

Breaking The Rules

Breaking the Rules
Gone are the days of only tall, slim models. Petite and plus size models have now broken the barriers of modeling and are becoming successful within the industry.  BelieveIn You model and talent agency states that,” out of the thousands of women who try to enter into the modeling industry about only 1% make it due to the criteria of height, body measurements, and ability to walk the runway fashion shows.” The other 99% fall into the petite and plus size categories. As a result, petite and plus size modeling is becoming popular and gaining success within the industry.

Sharon Rolle (copyright F.Dot Photography)

Although the modeling industry has just recently peaked in the Bahamas within the past five years, there are pioneers who have paved the way for upcoming models such as Sharon Rolle. Despite being 5’2, she has been featured in many magazines such as Elife 242 and has been the face of many ad campaigns, events, runway shows and videos. Also in 2007 she won the title of Miss Bahamas Earth and represented the Bahamas internationally at the Miss Earth pageant.  Sharon has been able to work consistently as a model and become successful within the industry. There are also many upcoming and successful petite and plus size models within the Bahamas.  For example, petite model Rakia Rolle was selected as the face for the Fash Art ad campaign 2012. Petite model Jasmine Forbes was selected and featured on the cover Elife 242 Girl’s of Summer Swimsuit edition 2012.  This shows a clear indication that the industry has shifted the rules of just tall and slim.
Jasmine Forbes- right (copyright F. Dot Photography)

            Magazines, ad campaigns, videos, runway shows, and the likes are now comprised of petite and plus size models.  It would be unlikely to say that petite and plus size models will over rule the stereotype of modeling. However, it has and will continue to change the face of modeling for more generations to come. 
Rakia Rolle  ( copyright Schardl photograhpy)

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