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Thursday, November 29, 2012

International Models & Talent Association

Each year, thousands aspiring models, actors, singers, dancers, and songwriters sign up to participate in the most recognized and successful talent and modeling association competition in the world. International Models & Talent Association is a hub where the world’s top model and talent agents, managers and casting directors all meet up in hopes of finding the next rising star. From 1987, IMTA has been deemed a leader in bringing new faces to the people whose business is to identify talent. Through conferences and multiple weeklong competitions, IMTA has produce an impressive and consistently growing list of people who are now seen in magazines, movies, fashion shows and television.
Each year the IMTA host conferences and competitions in Los Angeles and New York City. They solicit top industry professionals who are looking for new faces, to become members of the association, to judge, and select winners for the competitions. Winners of the IMTA competitions gain tremendous opportunities of a lifetime. The IMTA competitions have launched the careers of many celebrities such as Jessica Biel, who was a scholarship winner in 1994. Therefore, it is important for aspiring artists to attend a convention/competition of this nature as a stepping-stone towards a successful career. IMTA conferences and competitions also serves as a place for aspiring artists and models to network.
In an industry that is highly populated and bombarded with new talent, it is important for aspiring artists and models to network and make their presence known. By attending an IMTA conference or competition, all members are given access to network with the aspiring artists, models, dancers, etc. Networking is also beneficial to those who may not be winners in the competition, but who can still make connections with the industry professionals. Moreover, many talent agencies harness tremendous amounts of talents but lack the ability to make the connections with the big business clients. IMTA bridges the gap between the small talent agencies and the big business houses by providing a platform where they can meet and network.
Through its networking advantages and consistently ability to launch the careers of many successful celebrities, IMTA creates opportunities for those entering into this industry and those already in it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A teen trying to figure it out

Between the ages of 12-19 girls are known for becoming extremely complex, difficult, and are known to be diagnosed with the “I’m finding myself,” syndrome. Most find it difficult to find a positive role model to follow, one that fits their persona.  In her speech “ A teen trying to figure it out,” Tavi Genson a feminism advocate, talks about the issue of teenage girls trying to find themselves. Gevinson’s speech is inspiring based on her knowledge, her work, and personality.  
Gevinson begins her speech sharing knowledge with the audience, educating them on the problems both women and young girls face. One main point that stood out was women being able to become a female with strong character. Gevinson described such a women as one who is able to recognize her flaws, fixes them, and becomes relatable. Television shows such as Lina Dunahm’s “Girls,” are used to spread this message as well. Gevinson realized at an early age that one group of people who where faced with this similar problem, which was not being addressed, were teenagers. This sparked the beginning of her business.
 What is most significant about Gevinson is her blog website Rookie, which she created for young teenage girls. As a young fifteen-year old- girl, Gevinson saw a need for positive role models in the world and created a platform for girls wanting to build their character and make some sense of who they are. The main message of this website is to encourage young teenage girls to accept who they are and to not allow the opinion of others to define them. Although this is a common message, Gevinson is able to connect with teenage girls much easier not only because she too is a teen, but also through her simplicity, humor, and personality.
Gevinson is also able to connect with the audience through her humor and easygoing personality that contributes to the overall performance of her speech.
            As a young entrepreneur, I too have recognized that young teenage girls find it very difficult to accept who they are and find positive role models. It is then good to see young another young woman such as Gevinson, promoting positivity for young girls. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Breaking The Rules

Breaking the Rules
Gone are the days of only tall, slim models. Petite and plus size models have now broken the barriers of modeling and are becoming successful within the industry.  BelieveIn You model and talent agency states that,” out of the thousands of women who try to enter into the modeling industry about only 1% make it due to the criteria of height, body measurements, and ability to walk the runway fashion shows.” The other 99% fall into the petite and plus size categories. As a result, petite and plus size modeling is becoming popular and gaining success within the industry.

Sharon Rolle (copyright F.Dot Photography)

Although the modeling industry has just recently peaked in the Bahamas within the past five years, there are pioneers who have paved the way for upcoming models such as Sharon Rolle. Despite being 5’2, she has been featured in many magazines such as Elife 242 and has been the face of many ad campaigns, events, runway shows and videos. Also in 2007 she won the title of Miss Bahamas Earth and represented the Bahamas internationally at the Miss Earth pageant.  Sharon has been able to work consistently as a model and become successful within the industry. There are also many upcoming and successful petite and plus size models within the Bahamas.  For example, petite model Rakia Rolle was selected as the face for the Fash Art ad campaign 2012. Petite model Jasmine Forbes was selected and featured on the cover Elife 242 Girl’s of Summer Swimsuit edition 2012.  This shows a clear indication that the industry has shifted the rules of just tall and slim.
Jasmine Forbes- right (copyright F. Dot Photography)

            Magazines, ad campaigns, videos, runway shows, and the likes are now comprised of petite and plus size models.  It would be unlikely to say that petite and plus size models will over rule the stereotype of modeling. However, it has and will continue to change the face of modeling for more generations to come. 
Rakia Rolle  ( copyright Schardl photograhpy)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fash Art

Fash Art

“The new generation of fashion and art.” This is the slogan of the highly anticipated fashion event Fash Art, scheduled for November 2 &3rd, 2012 in New Providence, Bahamas. The two-day event fuses fashion, art, and entertainment and will celebrate what is Bahamian.  Founder Kedar Klarke’s, vision to provide a platform for “new” talent to showcase their work locally came to life in 2009 when Fash Art was founded, along with Stylzine Magazine editors: ScharadLightbourne and Nikolas Barnes. Not only has this event provided a platform for local fashion designers and artists to showcase their work, but is now a platform for upcoming models and entertainers as well. With this objective Fash Art is keen on giving back to the community.
This year the event has taken a new approach and have partnered with R.E.A.C.H. (Research and education for autism and related challenges) to promote the awareness of children with autism. Klarke stated that, “ children with autism have the greatest challenge expressing themselves because of the disabling factors related to autism. Art and fashion is our form of expression and we wanted to share that with them.” As a result of this partnership hand bracelets representing the awareness of autism have been created. Proceeds of these bracelets will go to the R.E.A.C.H. foundation.

Another highlight of this year’s event is the 2012 Fash Art is the People’s Choice Awards. The categories for the awards include: Favorite Fashion Designer, Favorite Artist, and Favorite Entertainer. This shows that Fash Art is not only providing a platform for upcoming talent but is taking the time to recognize and reward outstanding talent within the Bahamas.
Fash Art will be by no argument a star studded event and a success, attracting thousands from all over the Bahamas and the world. One can look forward to seeing art and fashion designs of an international standard.